Operator example: FFT
This page illustrates the "linear operator" feature of the Julia package LinearMapsAA
for the case of a multi-dimensional FFT operation.
This page comes from a single Julia file: 03-fft.jl
You can access the source code for such Julia documentation using the 'Edit on GitHub' link in the top right. You can view the corresponding notebook in nbviewer here: 03-fft.ipynb
, or open it in binder here: 03-fft.ipynb
Packages needed here.
using LinearMapsAA
using FFTW: fft, bfft, fft!, bfft!
using MIRTjim: jim, prompt
using LazyGrids: btime
using BenchmarkTools: @benchmark
using InteractiveUtils: versioninfo
The following line is helpful when running this file as a script; this way it will prompt user to hit a key after each figure is displayed.
isinteractive() ? jim(:prompt, true) : prompt(:draw);
A 1D N-point discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a linear operation that is naturally represented as a N × N
The multi-dimensional DFT is a linear mapping that could be represented as a matrix, using the vec(⋅)
of its arguments, but it is more naturally represented as a linear operator $A$. For 2D images of size $M × N$, we can think the DFT as an operator $A$ that maps a $M × N$ matrix into a $M × N$ matrix of DFT coefficients. In other words, $A : \mathbb{C}^{M × N} \mapsto \mathbb{C}^{M × N}$.
The LinearMapsAA
package can represent such an operator easily.
We first define appropriate forward and adjoint functions. We use fft!
and bfft!
to avoid unnecessary memory allocations.
forw!(y, x) = fft!(copyto!(y, x)) # forward mapping function
back!(x, y) = bfft!(copyto!(x, y)) # adjoint mapping function
back! (generic function with 1 method)
Below is the operator definition for $(M,N) = (8,16)$.
Because FFT returns complex numbers, we must use T=ComplexF32
here for LinearMaps
to work properly.
M,N = 16,8
T = ComplexF32
A = LinearMapAA(forw!, back!, (M*N, M*N); idim = (M,N), odim = (M,N), T)
LinearMapAO: 128 × 128 odim=(16, 8) idim=(16, 8) T=ComplexF32 Do=2 Di=2
map = 128×128 LinearMaps.FunctionMap{ComplexF32,true}(#5, #7; issymmetric=false, ishermitian=false, isposdef=false)
The idim
argument specifies that the input is a matrix of size M × N
and the odim
argument specifies that the output is a matrix of size (M,N)
Here is some verification that applying this operator to a matrix produces a correct result:
X = ones(M,N)
@assert A * X ≈ M*N * ((1:M) .== 1)*((1:N) .== 1)' # Kronecker impulse
X = rand(T, M, N)
@assert A * X ≈ fft(X)
Although $A$ here is not a matrix, we can convert it to a matrix (at least when $M N$ is sufficiently small) to perhaps understand it better:
Amat = Matrix(A)
using MIRTjim: jim
jim(real(Amat)', "Real(A)"; prompt=false),
jim(imag(Amat)', "Imag(A)"; prompt=false),
Here is a verification that the adjoint of the operator $A$ is working correctly.
@assert Matrix(A)' ≈ Matrix(A')
Some users might wonder if there is "overhead" in using the overloaded linear mapping A * x
or mul!(y, A, x)
compared to directly calling fft!(copyto!(y), x)
Here are some timing tests that confirm that LinearMapsAA
does not incur overhead.
We deliberately choose very small M,N
, because any overhead will be most apparent when the fft
computation itself is fast.
x = rand(ComplexF32, M, N)
y1 = similar(x)
y2 = similar(x)
mul!(y1, A, x)
forw!(y2, x)
@assert y1 == y2
mul!(y1, A', x)
back!(y2, x)
@assert y1 == y2
time forward fft:
timer(t) = btime(t; unit=:μs)
t = @benchmark forw!($y2, $x) # 19.1 us (31 alloc, 2K)
"time=14.4μs mem=368 alloc=4"
compare to LinearMapsAA
t = @benchmark mul!($y1, $A, $x) # 18.1 us (44 alloc, 4K)
"time=10.3μs mem=1200 alloc=16"
time backward fft:
t = @benchmark back!($y2, $x) # 19.443 μs (31 allocations: 2.12 KiB)
"time=9.5μs mem=368 alloc=4"
compare to LinearMapsAA
t = @benchmark mul!($y1, $(A'), $x) # 17.855 μs (44 allocations: 4.00 KiB)
"time=10.3μs mem=1200 alloc=16"
This page was generated with the following version of Julia:
using InteractiveUtils: versioninfo
io = IOBuffer(); versioninfo(io); split(String(take!(io)), '\n')
12-element Vector{SubString{String}}:
"Julia Version 1.10.3"
"Commit 0b4590a5507 (2024-04-30 10:59 UTC)"
"Build Info:"
" Official https://julialang.org/ release"
"Platform Info:"
" OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)"
" CPU: 4 × AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor"
" WORD_SIZE: 64"
" LIBM: libopenlibm"
" LLVM: libLLVM-15.0.7 (ORCJIT, znver3)"
"Threads: 1 default, 0 interactive, 1 GC (on 4 virtual cores)"
And with the following package versions
import Pkg; Pkg.status()
Status `~/work/LinearMapsAA.jl/LinearMapsAA.jl/docs/Project.toml`
[6e4b80f9] BenchmarkTools v1.5.0
[e30172f5] Documenter v1.4.1
[7a1cc6ca] FFTW v1.8.0
[71a99df6] ImagePhantoms v0.8.0
[7031d0ef] LazyGrids v1.0.0
[599c1a8e] LinearMapsAA v0.12.0 `~/work/LinearMapsAA.jl/LinearMapsAA.jl`
[98b081ad] Literate v2.18.0
[170b2178] MIRTjim v0.24.0
[b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils
[37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra
This page was generated using Literate.jl.