Logistic regression
Binary classification via logistic regression in Julia.
This page comes from a single Julia file: logistic1.jl
You can access the source code for such Julia documentation using the 'Edit on GitHub' link in the top right. You can view the corresponding notebook in nbviewer here: logistic1.ipynb
, or open it in binder here: logistic1.ipynb
Add the Julia packages used in this demo. Change false
to true
in the following code block if you are using any of the following packages for the first time.
if false
import Pkg
Tell Julia to use the following packages. Run Pkg.add()
in the preceding code block first, if needed.
using InteractiveUtils: versioninfo
using LaTeXStrings
using LinearAlgebra: dot, eigvals
using MIRTjim: prompt
using Plots: default, gui, savefig
using Plots: plot, plot!, scatter, scatter!
using Random: seed!
using StatsBase: mean
default(); default(markersize=6, linewidth=2, markerstrokecolor=:auto, label="",
tickfontsize=12, labelfontsize=18, legendfontsize=18, titlefontsize=18)
The following line is helpful when running this file as a script; this way it will prompt user to hit a key after each figure is displayed.
isinteractive() ? prompt(:prompt) : prompt(:draw)
Generate synthetic data from two classes
if !@isdefined(yy)
n0 = 60
n1 = 50
mu0 = [-1, 1]
mu1 = [1, -1]
v0 = mu0 .+ randn(2,n0) # class -1
v1 = mu1 .+ randn(2,n1) # class 1
nex = 0
if true # 2017-01-18
nex = 4 # extra dim (beyond the 2 shown) to make "larger scale"
v0 = [v0; rand(nex,n0)] # (2+nex, n0)
v1 = [v1; rand(nex,n1)] # (2+nex, n1)
M = n0 + n1 # how many samples
yy = [-ones(n0); ones(n1)] # (M) labels
vv = [[v0 v1]; ones(1,n0+n1)] # (npar, M) training data
npar = 3 + nex # unknown parameters
scatter plot and initial decision boundary
if !@isdefined(ps)
x0 = [-1; 3; rand(nex); 5]
v1p = range(-1,1,101) * 4
v2p_fun = x -> @. (-x[end] - x[1] * v1p) / x[2]
ps = plot(aspect_ratio = 1, size = (550, 500), legend=:topright,
xaxis = (L"v_1", (-4, 4), [-4 -1 0 1 4]),
yaxis = (L"v_2", (-4, 4), [-4 -1 0 1 4]),
plot!(v1p, v2p_fun(x0), color=:red, label="initial")
plot!(v1p, v1p, color=:yellow, label="ideal")
scatter!(v0[1,:], v0[2,:], color=:green, alpha=0.7)
scatter!(v1[1,:], v1[2,:], color=:blue, marker=:square, alpha=0.7)
# savefig(ps, "demo_fgm1_ogm1_s0.pdf")
Cost function
Logistic regression with Tikhonov regularization:
\[f(x) = 1_M' h.(A x) + β/2 ‖ x ‖_2^2\]
where $h(z) = log(1 + e^{-z})$ is the logistic loss function.
Its gradient is $∇ f(x) = A' \dot{h}.(A x) + β x$, and its Lipschitz constant is $‖A‖_2^2 / 4 + β$.
if !@isdefined(kost)
pot = (t) -> log(1 + exp(-t)) # logistic
dpot = (t) -> -1 / (exp(t) + 1)
tmp = vv * vv' # (npar, npar) covariance
tmp = eigvals(tmp)
@show maximum(tmp) / minimum(tmp)
pLip = maximum(tmp) / 4 # 1/4 comes from logistic curvature
reg = 2^0
Lip = pLip + reg # Lipschitz constant
A = yy .* vv'
gfun = x -> A' * dpot.(A * x) + reg * x # gradient
if false
tmp = gfun(x0)
@show size(tmp)
kost = x -> sum(pot, A * x, dims=1) .+ reg/2 * sum(abs2, x, dims=1)
maximum(tmp) / minimum(tmp) = 79.5564516910791
Iterate GD
tol = 1e-6
tol_gd = tol
tol_n1 = tol
tol_o1 = tol
function gd(x0, gfun::Function, niter::Int)
xg = copy(x0)
xgs = copy(xg)
for n in 1:niter
xold = xg
xg -= 1/Lip * gfun(xg)
if false && (norm(xg - xold, Inf) / norm(x0, Inf) < tol_gd)
@show n
any(isnan, xg) && throw("nan")
# projected GD ??
# xg = xg / norm(xg) # decision boundary unaffected by norm!
xgs = [xgs xg] # archive
return xgs
if !@isdefined(xgs)
niter_gd = 300
xgs = gd(x0, gfun, niter_gd)
pgs = plot(xgs', xlabel="Iteration", title = "GD")
Nesterov FGM
do_restart = true;
function fgm(x0, grad, Lip::Real, niter::Int)
re_nest = Int[]
told = 1
x = copy(x0)
zold = copy(x0)
xns = copy(x)
for n in 1:niter
xold = copy(x)
grad = gfun(x)
znew = x - 1/Lip * grad
zdiff = znew - zold # dk - for restart
tnew = 1/2 * (1 + sqrt(1 + 4 * told^2))
x = znew + (told - 1) / tnew * (znew - zold)
zold = copy(znew)
told = tnew
if false && (norm(x - xold, Inf) / norm(x0, Inf) < tol_n1)
@show n
any(isnan, x) && throw("nan")
if do_restart && (dot(grad, zdiff) > 0) # dk new version
told = 1
x = copy(znew) # check
zold = copy(x)
@show "nest. restart", n
push!(re_nest, n)
xns = [xns x] # archive
return xns, re_nest
if !@isdefined(xns)
niter_n1 = 300
niter_n1 = 500 # nex
xns, re_nest = fgm(x0, gfun, Lip, niter_n1)
pns = plot(xns', xlabel = "Iteration", title = "FGM")
Optimized gradient method
function ogm(
re_ogm1 = Int[]
told = 1
x = copy(x0)
zold = copy(x0)
x1s = copy(x)
for n in 1:niter
xold = x
grad = gfun(x)
znew = x - 1/Lip * grad
tnew = 1/2 * (1 + sqrt(1 + 4 * told^2))
x = znew + (told - 1) / tnew * (znew - zold) + told/tnew * (znew - xold)
zdiff = znew - zold # dk - for restart
zold = znew
told = tnew
if false && (norm(x - xold, Inf) / norm(x0, Inf) < tol_n1)
@show n
any(isnan, x) && throw("nan")
if do_restart && (dot(grad, zdiff) > 0) # dk new version
push!(re_ogm1, n)
told = 1
x = znew # check
zold = x # dk fixed from x0
@info "ogm1 restart $n"
x1s = [x1s x] # archive
return x1s, re_ogm1
if !@isdefined(x1s)
niter_o1 = 300
niter_o1 = 500 # nex
x1s, re_ogm1 = ogm(x0, gfun, Lip, niter_o1)
po1 = plot(x1s', xlabel = "Iteration", title = "OGM")
impartial version of x ͚
xh_tmp = [xgs[:,end] xns[:,end] x1s[:,end]]
xh = vec(mean(xh_tmp[:,2:3], dims=2)); # GD too slow to include
plot cost
extra = do_restart ? " (restart)" : ""
pc = plot(xaxis=("iteration", (0,10)), yaxis=("Cost function",))
plot!(0:niter_gd, vec(kost(xgs)) .- kost(xh), label = "GD" * extra)
plot!(0:niter_n1, vec(kost(xns)) .- kost(xh), label = "FGM" * extra)
plot!(0:niter_o1, vec(kost(x1s)) .- kost(xh), label = "OGM1" * extra)
Plot decision boundaries
if true
psh = deepcopy(ps)
v2p = @. (-xh[end] - xh[1] * v1p) / xh[2]
plot!(psh, v1p, v2p, color = :magenta, label="final")
# savefig(psh, "demo-fgm1-fgm1a.pdf")
Plot iterate convergence
efun1 = (x) -> vec(sqrt.(sum(abs2, x .- xh, dims=1)))
efun = (x) -> do_restart ? log10.(efun1(x)) : efun1(x)
ifun = (x) -> 0:(size(x,2)-1);
pic = plot(
xaxis = ("Iteration", (0, 40+10*nex), 0:20:80),
yaxis = do_restart ?
(L"\log_{10}(‖ \mathbf{x}_k - \mathbf{x}_* ‖)", (-3, 1), -3:1) :
(L"‖ \mathbf{x}_k - \mathbf{x}_* ‖", (0, 8), [-1, 0, 8]),
legend = :topright,
plot!(ifun(xgs), efun(xgs), color=:green, label = "GD")
plot!(ifun(xns), efun(xns), color=:blue, label = "Nesterov FGM" * extra)
plot!(ifun(x1s), efun(x1s), color=:red, label = "OGM1" * extra)
if do_restart
scatter!(re_nest, efun(xns[:, re_nest .+ 1]), color=:blue)
scatter!(re_ogm1, efun(x1s[:, re_ogm1 .+ 1]), color=:red)
# savefig demo_fgm1_ogm1c # restart
# savefig demo_fgm1_ogm1b # no restart
# todo: compare with LBFGS
This page was generated with the following version of Julia:
using InteractiveUtils: versioninfo
io = IOBuffer(); versioninfo(io); split(String(take!(io)), '\n')
11-element Vector{SubString{String}}:
"Julia Version 1.11.2"
"Commit 5e9a32e7af2 (2024-12-01 20:02 UTC)"
"Build Info:"
" Official https://julialang.org/ release"
"Platform Info:"
" OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)"
" CPU: 4 × AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor"
" WORD_SIZE: 64"
" LLVM: libLLVM-16.0.6 (ORCJIT, znver3)"
"Threads: 1 default, 0 interactive, 1 GC (on 4 virtual cores)"
And with the following package versions
import Pkg; Pkg.status()
Status `~/work/book-la-demo/book-la-demo/docs/Project.toml`
[6e4b80f9] BenchmarkTools v1.5.0
[aaaa29a8] Clustering v0.15.7
[35d6a980] ColorSchemes v3.27.1
⌅ [3da002f7] ColorTypes v0.11.5
⌃ [c3611d14] ColorVectorSpace v0.10.0
⌅ [717857b8] DSP v0.7.10
[72c85766] Demos v0.1.0 `~/work/book-la-demo/book-la-demo`
[e30172f5] Documenter v1.8.0
[4f61f5a4] FFTViews v0.3.2
[7a1cc6ca] FFTW v1.8.0
[587475ba] Flux v0.15.2
[a09fc81d] ImageCore v0.10.5
[71a99df6] ImagePhantoms v0.8.1
[b964fa9f] LaTeXStrings v1.4.0
[7031d0ef] LazyGrids v1.0.0
[599c1a8e] LinearMapsAA v0.12.0
[98b081ad] Literate v2.20.1
[7035ae7a] MIRT v0.18.2
[170b2178] MIRTjim v0.25.0
[eb30cadb] MLDatasets v0.7.18
[efe261a4] NFFT v0.13.5
[6ef6ca0d] NMF v1.0.3
[15e1cf62] NPZ v0.4.3
[0b1bfda6] OneHotArrays v0.2.6
[429524aa] Optim v1.10.0
[91a5bcdd] Plots v1.40.9
[f27b6e38] Polynomials v4.0.12
[2913bbd2] StatsBase v0.34.4
[d6d074c3] VideoIO v1.1.1
[b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils v1.11.0
[37e2e46d] LinearAlgebra v1.11.0
[44cfe95a] Pkg v1.11.0
[9a3f8284] Random v1.11.0
Info Packages marked with ⌃ and ⌅ have new versions available. Those with ⌃ may be upgradable, but those with ⌅ are restricted by compatibility constraints from upgrading. To see why use `status --outdated`
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